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Dr. Raychelle Harris, Program Director 

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Gallaudet University

"Jessica’s greatest asset is her deep-seated passion for teaching languages. She believes, in order for students' language growth and academic endeavors to blossom, explicit inclusion of their background experience and schema in pedagogical design is crucial. Ultimately, her teaching philosophy is informed by the belief that students learn best through principled eclecticism. Throughout her studies with the program, she has constantly demonstrated positive team playing skills, creative leadership, innovation and dedication towards lesson planning, assessment and actual classroom instruction. Jessica is extremely committed to providing language learning strategies for her students, and yet ensure she satisfies academic rigor, especially by making the content relevant to their daily lives."

Ann H. Lê, Educational Diagnostician 



Hancock Elementary

"I had the distinct pleasure of working directly with Jessica Darvishi at Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, as an educator and advocate for the RDSPD program. Her background expertise in the field of Deaf Education and Sign Language Education enhanced her ability to apply her personal and professional experiences and knowledge for the success of her students, as well as her fellow staff members. She selflessly gives her time, expertise, and knowledge by sharing with all of her colleagues.  She radiates positivity and shines in all settings.  Jessica ensures that everything she does is completed to a stellar degree. Her thoroughness in all aspects of education for children with special needs is pivotal. She is very knowledgeable and serious in her work, as well as her love and connection to her students is so profound. I highly recommend her!"

Daniel warthling, ASL professor 

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Fall 2018

Houston Community College

"Frankly and normally, I don't do a testimonial for my colleagues because I have such a high expectation from them in teaching skills and I don't see much from them until Jess's arrival. She was exceptional! On the very first day, I immediately knew, she was something different in a good way.  When Jess and I worked together as co-teacher and I immediately discovered we were such a dream team.   I am expert in teaching methods and curriculum while she is an expert in educational technology and when we work together, it was explosively successful and creative. We feed on each other of our ideas on different methods to teach students. My experience with her was so incredibly positive and gratifying.  Best of all, students benefited from us significantly on our teaching. I will not see people like her for a while. I hope to have her back as my co-teacher someday!"

Whitney walston, Deaf Education Teacher

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I had the pleasure of working alongside with Jessica Darvishi at Cypress-Fairbanks ISD for the RDSPD as a fellow Deaf Educator, co-teacher for ASL Genius Hour classes, and as an Instructional Support Staff in her classroom. She is an amazing Deaf Education teacher who shows up every day ready to work and makes a difference in her students’ lives. She brings so much joy, experience, and knowledge to the classroom. I had the pleasure of learning from and working with her. Jessica is a strong advocate for giving Deaf children full access to language and her passion for Sign Language is like none other. I highly recommend her! 


Matzke Elementary

JennEfer AliagaCurriculum Director and Honors Spanish Teacher

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Jessica, by far is an amazing ASL teacher. Her methods and style to engage the students is so incredible that it makes you want to learn from her! In observing her, the lessons were relatable for her students and I saw them participating and enjoying themselves. We are lucky to have Jessica with us!


Westside High 

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Westside High

Dear Mrs. Darvishi,


"I don't like the English Language neither. Because like you stated earlier, due to the widespread use of English via colonization. Many feel like that they shouldn't learn a new language. But with this, you close your mind off from learning from someone. Language isn't just words, it communicates happiness, sadness, pain even without words like ASL you can gather and interpret the essence of another human being. Colonization destroyed the language, culture, and essences of my native and African ancestors solely because they lived differently and spoke differently. So they were thought as an interior. But when we condemn a language, we destroy each other as social beings and we destroy our humanity as we become dependent on the universal language. We miss out on human beings and knowledge."

Student Letter to me after our discussio


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Westside High

Dear Mrs. Darvishi,

"You are my favorite teacher, you are the light of my day. 

                 From the one and only"


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